Emotions !

SG Blogs
2 min readJul 21, 2023


Writing my first non tech blog. Please do give your valuable comments and feedback which will keep me motivated in this unknown land !

This is my 2 cents on emotions !

Humans are nothing more than feelings.
If we desire a better existence with more mental serenity, we must learn to handle our emotions better. We can quickly become carried away if we lack emotional control. Controlling emotions stems from control of the senses.

Controlling Senses: If you really need to eat Pani Puri but have control over your tongue, you have control over your eating sense.

To increase our ability to manage our senses, we must adjust our environment. Consider the following example:

When we are in a critical situation, we exert control over all of our senses (coughing, sneezing, etc) .
That is why, if we hang out with health-conscious friends and discuss it with them, it is feasible that we will modify our eating habits.

When emotions are under control, they can produce some thrilling effects.
We are humans, and we live for emotions. To experience the pinnacle of good emotions (pleasant feelings), one must gain mastery over bad emotions (bad habits). We always strive to move from bad emotions (bad life state) to good emotions (good life state). Throughout our lives, emo can play us like fools. Make good use of them. They have the ability to make or break people.



SG Blogs

Not a professional in writing but everything I write are my real experiences and everything I share is with great enthusiasm